1. Guide to a Great Thank You Note.

    While everyone seems to be trying to make things great again these days, we’re sticking to our very own passion projects. In a digital age where gratitude comes in the form of “k thx” or “👍,”  let us be the first to join the bandwagon of Making Thank You Notes Great Again (#MTYNGA?).

    Take the time to handwrite your thank you note! We like to think that if someone took the time to think of you, you ought to return the favor accordingly. Bonus points if you break out the cursive script to show the kids these days how it’s done.

    “Dear Aunt Judy, You were so thoughtful to have considered my love of cats when you knitted the beautiful sweater for me. It always elicits so many compliments, and what joy it is to think of you each time I wear it!”

    Make it personal! Include details about what you love about the gift, how much you enjoyed dinner, or how you appreciate a thoughtful gesture.

    We agree with your mom on this one. Always, ALWAYS send a thank you note! Extra high-fives if your correspondence cards are letterpressed onto beautiful paper (…this is where we come in).

    Check out our SHOP to pick up a packet of letterpress Thank You Notes, or contact us to create your own personalized stationery!